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Greek / British Actress, dual National, fluent in English. Based in London and Athens.




2023. SPARROW'S CALL. Clever Boy Media. Tim Kent

2019. CAFÉ MIRAGE. Pattern Maker Films. Neilson Black

2010. CONFESSION. Jump Start Productions. Jamie Patterson

2009. OLA THA PANE KALA. Argonauts Productions S.A. Yannis Xanthopoulos



2022. I KLINIKI. ANTENNA Studios. Alexandros Sipsidis

2018. THE CLOAKING. Praxima. Sam Bradford

2010. BLACK BOOK. Hollywood Vision. Rupert Bryan. Ben Loyd-Holmes & Adrian Pinset

2009. TO PROVLIMA MOU ME TIS GYNAIKES. Ant1 Cyprus. Spiros Charalambous

2008. ALITHINOI EROTES. PLD Productions (Alpha TV). Panagiotis Fafoutis

2008. SE EIDA.... Alpha TV. Leuteris Haritos

2007. GORGONES. Studio ATA / Mega Channel. Antonis Aggelopoulos

2007. ISTORIES APO TIN APENANTI OHTHI. Cat Productions (ANT1 TV). Nikos Grammatikos

2006. OI ISTORIES TOU ASTYNOMOU BEKA. PLD Productions (Alpha TV). Grigoris Karantinakis



2022. A GHASTLY MURDER. Lauren Lorenzo

2019. GOOD VIBRATIONS. Red Lock Films. Abbie Lucas

2019. PRIDE. Pantelis Hapeshis

2017. TESTING GRETA. Alpha Fox Films. Abbie Lucas

2017. IN HUMANS WE TRUST. Tim Kent

2015. SIMON SAYS. Nikos Tseberopoulos

2014. LEAP OF FAITH. Carrot Top Productions. Dominic Ryan

2012. TWO PERSONS MAX. Clever Boy Media. Tim Kent

2011. GREY MATTER. Musser Leghorn Films. Ben Dixon

2010. DRIVEN INSANE. Jemsea Films/IJE Films. Keith Eyles



2015. DIDO AND AENEAS. No Man's Time Automatics. Jonathan Young

2012. DEMOLITION. Little pieces of gold-Southwark Playhouse. Abbie Lucas

2012. FRISKY AND THE PANDA MAN. Palimpsest One-Upstairs at the Gatehouse. Timothy Trimingham Lee

2011. THE SEVEN LESSONS OF GEORGE HOWARD. Pleasance theatre. Chris Johnston. Elisa Gallo Rosso

2010. SPARE. New Diorama Theatre. Sebastian Rex

2010. STUCK IN THE THROAT. Hen and Chickens Theatre. Laura English-Rose

2008. INOUBLIABLE. Theatre of Neos Kosmos. Vas Christofilakis

2007. IPHIGENEIA AT AULIS. Thessaliko Theatre. Sot Chatzakis

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